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PostPosted: Sun Apr 11, 2010 1:15 pm
by Pick Bot

I come off another perfect day in MLB with my GOW coming down to the wire after bullpen blowing it in 8th, but their bullpen blowing it in the 9th. Today this 4 unit play goes at 1:10 and is a complete pitching mismatch. The starters are like the one I found in Nolasco vs Maine a few nights ago.

Florida -120 for 4 units at Betjam; Sanchez is coming off injury proned seasons and trying to redeem himself. This kid is a big game pitcher and has the potential to be an ace. He is out to prove himself this year and I believe you will see a stellar performance today and against knuckleballer Haeger. LA has not found their identity and they went very deep in their bullpen early yesterday. I dont like the same team on back to back nights, but their is golden value in this one as Florida is the fav with the public backing the Dodgers so take the Marlins to take the series and get a great performance out of Sanchez.